New Technologies and CTF: Georgia

On 22-23 February 2022, Project CRAAFT held an online workshop on fintech-enabled terrorism financing (TF) for Georgian stakeholders from the Fintech industry and public sector. Terrorism financing experts from the research world and private sector delivered presentations across a wide array of TF-related areas to raise awareness on the risks to which Georgia is exposed and sought to enhance overall capabilities in the Georgian fintech sector. Workshop presentations focused on the TF threat faced by Georgia regarding returning foreign terrorist fighters as well as key elements of targeted financial sanctions. The workshop also provided the opportunity for participants to engage with real TF case studies involving the use of fintech, the rise of far-right extremism in this sector, and served to highlight the value and importance of public-private partnerships.

Project CRAAFT aims to use these workshops is to create a space which helps facilitate discussions between different stakeholders in the targeted countries. The workshop was able to achieve these ends with the excellent detailed experiences shared by participants regarding the measures currently implemented in their fintech workspaces and the needs they identified throughout the workshop to improve their TF capabilities.

Trainers for this workshop included:


FinTech-Enabled Terrorism Financing: Lessons for Lithuania


Managing Terrorist Financing Risk in the NPO Sector: Bulgaria