RAFT22 Videos
Opening Remarks by Tom Keatinge
Tom Keatinge, Director of the Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies (CFCS) - RUSI, delivers opening remarks at RAFT22.
Keynote speech Nidhi Chaphekar
Find out how Nidhi’s life changed after the Brussels terrorist attack of 2016 and why, even if you survive an act of terrorism, it will stay with you for the rest of your life.
The CTF Journey Since 2015
The 2015 Paris terrorist attacks brought TF in the spotlight. What happened since then and where is the CTF regime now?
One-on-one with Aimen Dean
Former Al-Qaeda member and financier turned MI6 spy, Aimen Dean shares with us an insider’s perspective in this one-on-one session.
The Changing CTF Landscape Ahead
What lessons can we learn from the counterterrorism financing regulations of the last 7 years? How have national security services adapted to the increasingly important role of CTF? Watch this RAFT22 panel!
One-on-one with the Human Security Collective (HSC)
The NPO sector has been particularly affected by the CTF/AML regulations adopted in the fight against terrorism in the last years. Lia van Broekhoven, HSC President, and Sangeeta Goswami, HSC Policy Advisor, tell us how and what can be done to improve the NPOs situation.
From Policy into Practice: Assessing the Operational Dimension
How have FIUs and national security services adapted to the increased prominence of CTF within the counter-terrorism toolbox? What challenges and successes have they experienced? Press play and find out.
One-on-one with Elżbieta Franków-Jaśkiewicz
Focus on the MONEYVAL perspective on CTF with Elżbieta Franków-Jaśkiewicz, Head of International Cooperation Unit, Department of Financial Information
of the Polish Ministry of Finance.
Emerging Threats to Consider for the 2020s
With the terrorist threat evolving, what direction should counterterrorism financing take? How should governments adapt legislation to address new forms of terrorist financing? And a whole lot more in this panel.
One-on-one with Sir Julian King
Hear Sir Julian King speak about the terrorist challenge from his experience as the British European Commissioner at the height of the crisis in 2016.
New Technologies and CTF
New payment and social media technologies can pose terrorist financing risks - how can policymakers address this challenge without resorting to knee-jerk reactions?
One-on-one with Juan Zarate
Back to the beginnings. Juan Zarate tells us how financial intelligence and sanctions implementations have become an essential tool in the fight against terrorists after 9/11.
The entire RAFT22 conference
One panel is not enough? Grab your popcorn and watch the entire RAFT22 conference here.